Lakes Area
Restorative Justice

Be The Agency Of Choice To Provide Restorative Justice For All Ages And Offenses

Repair The Harm.
Build The Community.
One Kid At A Time.

Average Cases a Year
75 to 
The Lakes Area Restorative Justice program currently serves on average 75 -100 cases per year
Restorative Justice Works
78% of victims would recommend restorative justice and 85% felt satisfied with the process.

What is Restorative Justice?

Restorative justice offers an alternative to the traditional criminal justice system by focusing on the repair of harm and healing of relationships rather than merely punishing the offender. This approach recognizes crimes as violations against individuals and communities, emphasizing accountability, where offenders must acknowledge their actions and work to mend the damage they've caused. It aims not only to address and repair the harm but also to understand and rectify the underlying causes of the offense, reducing future risks. Central to restorative justice is the inclusion of victims, survivors, and the community in the justice process, empowering victims through active participation and leveraging community support for both accountability and rehabilitation. This method seeks a more humane, constructive resolution that fosters healing for all parties involved.

Restorative Justice Principles

Crime is a violation of people and relationships. Crime hurts individual victims, communities, and offenders and creates obligations to put things right. Restoration means repairing the harm done and rebuilding relationships in the community.

  1. Victims and the community are central to the justice process. All parties should be a part of the response to a crime—victim (if he or she chooses to be involved), community, and the offender.

  2. A primary focus of a justice process is to assist victims and address needs. The victim’s perspective is key to determining how to repair the harm resulting from the crime.

  3. The secondary focus is restoring the community to the degree possible. The offender has a personal responsibility to victims and to the community for wrongs committed. Parties involved in the restorative justice process share responsibility for repairing harm through partnerships for action. The community has a responsibility for the well-being of all its members, including both victims and offenders.

  4. All human beings have dignity and worth. Victim and offender are both able to move forward with respect, and dignity, and are re-integrated into the broader community as much as possible.

Comparing Two Different Views

Criminal Justice
  • Crime is a violation of the law and the state.
  • Violations create guilt.
  • Justice requires the state to determine blame (guilt) and impose pain (punishment).
  • Central focus: Offenders getting what they deserve.
Restorative Justice
  • Crime is a violation of people and relationships.
  • Violations create obligations.
  • Justice involves victims, offenders and community members in an effort to put things right.
  • Central focus: Victim needs and offender responsibility for repairing harm.
How LARJP Works
The core program of LARJP is Restorative Group Conferencing (RGC). RGC provides a forum for juvenile wrongdoers and their families, those victimized by the harm, and their supporters to meet in a safe and respectful environment to discuss the incident.

The RGC process enables those victimized to express their feelings about the impact of the harmful behavior and to get answers to their questions. It helps offenders understand the true impact of their actions on the victim, their family, and the community as well as hold them accountable for the harm they have caused by completing a contract designed by themselves and the victim on how the harm will be repaired. By completing the contract the offender’s record is cleared which allows and empowers them to have a greater educational and employment opportunity as an adult.

To Foster A Strong And Healthy Community
Through Restorative Justice Practices